How To Buy The Best Yogurt Maker

If you are anything like me you have a cupboard full of unused kitchen appliances which someone thought would be super useful.  There are indoor grills, pizza makers, bagel slicers, mini crockpots and the list goes on.  Most of these appliances were neat for a time but in the end were retired to pasture (or the big cupboard above the fridge).

Many or these appliances ended up in the ignored category due to their single purpose design. has a list of fifty useless kitchen gadgets starting with an asparagus steamer to a rapid pizza reheater and guess what… a yogurt maker is on the list! 

So, before you go out and purchase a yogurt maker because you are excited about making your own yogurt to; save money, improve your health, diversify your menu or whatever else, take some time and consider the features you really need in a yogurt maker.

For your convenience I have provided the following chart which will assist you in determining your ideal yogurt maker.  To use the chart, determine what features you require in a yogurt maker (which are all explained below)  and find the closest match on the chart.  I have conveniently provided an affiliate link for each yogurt maker, simply click on it to make a purchase.

Individualsized containers Large capacity Incubation timer Electrically operated Insulated container Multi-purpose appliance  Recommended Yogurt maker

Most important features for a yogurt maker

Not all of these features will be important to everyone as everyone has their own needs when it comes to functionality but here is a rundown of the advertised features found on the current yogurt makers, the benefits of each feature and any drawbacks.

Individual sized containers

Individually sized containers divide the amount of yogurt the yogurt maker makes into several smaller serving sizes.  Each container will have a sealable lid, fit specifically into the yogurt maker and can be made from either glass or plastic.  


  • No repackaging needed for taking yogurt on the go
  • Can make different types/flavors of yogurt simultaneously
  • Can make smaller amounts of yogurt
  • If one or more of the containers get lost or broken yogurt can still be made (as long as you have at least one
  • Easily fit into dishwasher (if dishwasher safe)


  • Must keep track of containers and lids
  • Only containers designed for yogurt maker will work
  • Cannot make large amounts of yogurt

Large capacity container

Yogurt makers of this type have one big container where the milk is added to make the yogurt.  It is made from glass or plastic and has a lid which seals the container for incubation and storage.


  • Large amounts of yogurt can be made in each batch
  • Only one container to keep track of
  • Other containers can be used if they fit in the main body of yogurt maker
  • Dishwasher safe
  • Recipe ratios do not change 
  • Can choose the right size for current needs


  • Only large quantities can be made efficiently
  • Container and/or container lid often made from plastic

Incubation timer

For yogurt to turn out the same every time there are many variables to take into account.  One of which is the amount of time the milk is incubated for.  Yogurt can be made in 4-6hrs when using an active starter but sometimes it is beneficial to incubate the milk longer.  With a timer in the yogurt maker the incubation time can be set to stop incubating the milk and beep to indicate the yogurt has incubated the prescribed period of time.


  • Timer will inform user when yogurt is done (and how much time is left)
  • No need to check incubation stage
  • Less power usage


  • Yogurt will continue to incubate after timer goes off

Electrically Operated

Having a yogurt maker which plugs into an electrical socket has its advantages.  It will have a heater which will maintain the incubation temperature, may have a timer and maybe it will even be able to adjust both the time and temperature.  


  • Will maintain incubation temperature automatically
  • May have a timer 


  • Must have a plugin available
  • Costs more to use
  • More likely to breakdown

Insulated Container

Yogurt makers of this type have an insulated container which is meant to hold the heat in the milk once it has been pasteurized.  These incubators will slowly lose heat during the incubation time depending on the ambient temperature of the room the yogurt is incubated in.


  • No electricity required
  • Simple to use
  • Makes larger amounts of yogurt


  • Inconsistent incubation temperature
  • Must make large amounts of yogurt for best results

Multi-purpose yogurt maker

Multi-purpose appliances can be a great addition to a kitchen when the purposes it is used for are not already covered by other appliances.  There are appliances which have yogurt making settings on them.  Temperature controlled slow cookers, dehydrators and smokers all can be used to make yogurt while able to make other things as well.


  • One appliance can replace several others in cupboard


  • Can only make one thing at a time
  • More expensive
  • May have purposes mostly covered by other appliances currently owned
  • More settings can make it complicated to use 


What to do before you purchase a yogurt maker

Before you go out and purchase a yogurt maker you should evaluate why you want one. Yogurt is a popular product which is sold anywhere where you can get dairy products.  It is not expensive and is made with standard bacterial cultures which have been shown to have beneficial effects on health.  It cannot be because you just need your yogurt but can’t find any at the store.

There are many reasons why you may want to make your own yogurt such as:

  • You want to avoid additives
  • Want less lactose in your yogurt
  • Have specific probiotics to make yogurt
  • Like heritage style yogurt
  • Like the challenge of making everything from scratch

Whatever the reason, the last thing you want is to add another appliance to your already full cupboard which you are not going to use.  With that in mind here are some things to do before you purchase a yogurt maker.

Make yogurt using current equipment

Yogurt can be incubated using a variety of appliances including slow cookers, dehydrators, coolers and hot water bottles and even in the oven with the light on.  Although these methods are a little cumbersome and can be inconsistent they do work, in fact some people use these methods exclusively rather than purchasing a yogurt maker.  For an explanation of how you can make yogurt without a yogurt maker checkout this article, at the bottom you will find several options you can try before purchasing a dedicated yogurt maker.

Just because an appliance does not have a specifically labeled yogurt making button does not mean it cannot be used to make yogurt.  The only requirement for yogurt incubation is to be able to maintain the temperature the culture grows the best in.  For most yogurt cultures this temperature is between 108-115℉ (42-46℃).  

Make several batches of yogurt before purchasing 

Making yogurt is inconvenient.  It takes time, has a learning curve which can lead to failed batches and it is always not the same as store bought yogurt.  Before you go out and buy a yogurt maker, ensure you like the yogurt you can make at home, make several batches to be sure you can consistently make the yogurt you will eat and compare your yogurt with store bought yogurt.

Michael Grant

Mike has been an enthusiast of fermentation for over ten years. With humble beginnings of making kombucha for himself to the intricacies of making miso, vinegar and kefir. He makes a wide variety of fermented foods and drinks for his own consumption and family and friends. Being a serial learner he began experimenting with a wide variety of fermented products and learning widely from books, online from content and scientific studies about fermentation, its health benefits, how to use fermented food products in everyday life and the various techniques used to produce them both traditionally and commercially. With a focus on producing his own fermented products in an urban environment with little access to garden space he began Urban Fermentation to help others who want to get the benefits of fermentation in their lives. He provides a wide variety of content covering fermented drinks like kombucha and water kefir, milk kefir and yogurt, vinegar production and lacto-fermentation such as pickles, sauerkraut for those who have to rely on others for food production. With an insatiable hunger to know more about fermentation from all nations and cultures he also has learned to make natto, miso and soy sauce, with more to come as the body of knowledge about fermentation is constantly expanding and becoming more popular as time passes.

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