Can Homemade Yogurt Be Keto Friendly

yogurt in a bowl with sunflower seeds and hemp hearts

Like any diet plan the keto diet relies on a certain set of parameters which make some foods allowable while making others off limits.  Yogurt with its healthy reputation for being a probiotic food can cause confusion as to whether or not it will have a high insulin response, kicking you out of ketosis.

Homemade yogurt has a strong insulin effect which can stop ketosis.  This is due to the high lactose content remaining in the yogurt after the short incubation period recommended in most yogurt recipes.  It can be made with little remaining sugar by increasing the incubation time and therefore lowering the amount of remaining lactose.

Recent studies have shown that the insulin effect of yogurt can also be tied to the amount and type of protein found in the milk.  Although homemade yogurt can be made to have a low amount of sugar remaining in the yogurt, the remaining proteins found in the milk may be enough to raise the insulin level enough to stop ketosis.  Care must be taken to not consume higher amounts of yogurt if you want to remain in ketosis.

How homemade yogurt can be keto friendly

There are two components found in milk which can cause an insulin effect, the lactose and the proteins found in the milk.  

The lactose can be lowered by incubating your yogurt for a longer period of time.  The increased incubation period allows the lactic acid bacteria additional time to consume the lactose in the milk which naturally lowers the glycemic effect.  As the lactose is consumed the yogurt becomes sour due to the additional lactic acid produced by the lactic acid bacteria.  

The whey is the liquid which can separate from the main yogurt during incubation and once it has been refrigerated.  The whey provides a strong insulin effect which can kick you out of ketosis.  Although it has been found that whey also has an appetite suppressing effect which can make up for the insulin effect it has on the body.  To reduce this effect you can make greek yogurt which lowers the amount of whey in the yogurt with the added bonus of making it thicker with a smooth texture.

Why most store bought yogurt is not keto friendly

Store bought yogurt often is not keto friendly because yogurt companies tend to add additional ingredients to yogurt and incubate it for the least amount of time possible.  Store bought yogurt has additives to help maintain the yogurt’s texture during transportation and handling on the store shelves.  They are usually starchy ingredients which absorb excess liquid and provide structure to provide thickness and body to the yogurt.

Commercial yogurt is incubated for the shortest period of time as it lowers costs, increases shelf life and provides customers with a sweeter product.  Additional additives have usually been added to maintain the yogurt’s texture during transportation and handling by employees and customers.  

When purchasing store bought yogurt for a keto diet try to find yogurt which does not have any additional ingredients besides milk and bacterial culture.  The extra ingredients are difficult to digest and can cause a strong insulin effect.

What milk types can be used to make keto friendly yogurt

Although any type of milk can be used to make keto-friendly yogurt it is important to understand that the higher the sugar content in the milk in the beginning the longer it will take the lactic acid bacteria to consume the lactose and the more lactose will be produced.  This increases the incubation time and makes the yogurt sour.

When making keto friendly yogurt use whole or high fat yogurt.  High fat yogurt has less sugar and more fat which lowers the incubation time and reduces the amount of lactic acid bacteria produced.  The higher fat content also slows the insulin response protecting ketosis.

Keto friendly yogurt made from whole or high fat yogurt will taste sweeter than higher sugar content skim or 1% milk due to the lower lactic acid in the yogurt.  They are also thicker and creamier due to the higher fat content leading to less separation of the whey. For an even higher fat content try this recipe for making super creamy yogurt with heavy cream.

The high fat content also provides a buffer for the remaining lactose in the yogurt which provides the digestive system time to absorb the remaining sugar without necessitating a strong insulin response.  The additional time given the digestive system also allows extra time for your microbiome to use higher amounts of the sugar in the yogurt which further lowers the amount of sugar your body needs to contend with.

What equipment is needed to make homemade keto yogurt

Keto yogurt can be made with a minimum amount of equipment.  All it requires is a non-reactive container to hold the milk and an incubation chamber of some sort.  You will also need a double boiler, whisk and a thermometer to ensure the milk is at the correct temperature prior to adding the starter.

Yogurt makers are the obvious choice for  serious yogurt production but other incubation methods include an oven with the light on, hot water bottles, using an insulated thermos or a crockpot.  The key is to keep the milk between 108 to 115 degrees for at least 12-24 hours.  This will lower the lactose content in the milk and increase the lactic acid and other organic acids which help to keep the body in ketosis.  

The difference between normal yogurt and keto friendly yogurt

Store bought yogurt is a commercial product designed to maximize the profit for the dairy.  As such it is produced using the least expensive methods possible.  This is not a bad thing until it starts to compromise the quality and value of the food.  Most store bought yogurt contain thickeners, supposedly to help maintain the texture of the yogurt during transportation.  These thickeners contain starches and sugar which automatically removes them from the list of keto approved foods. 

The remaining yogurts will contain only milk and bacterial culture but not all of these are keto friendly either.  The length of time yogurt is incubated is important as well since the longer it is incubated the lower its lactose content.   Keto yogurt needs to be incubated for at least 12 hours to remove as much of the sugar as possible without it becoming too sour.

Homemade yogurt can be made keto friendly by extending the incubation time and using high fat milk.  When making your own yogurt ensure your yogurt maker will incubate for at least 12 hours.  Some yogurt makers (if you are using one) will stop the incubation process after 4-6 hours.  You can use incubation chambers such as a dehydrator or an oven with the light on, just make sure the heat remains between 108-115 for 12 -24 hours.

Michael Grant

Mike has been an enthusiast of fermentation for over ten years. With humble beginnings of making kombucha for himself to the intricacies of making miso, vinegar and kefir. He makes a wide variety of fermented foods and drinks for his own consumption and family and friends. Being a serial learner he began experimenting with a wide variety of fermented products and learning widely from books, online from content and scientific studies about fermentation, its health benefits, how to use fermented food products in everyday life and the various techniques used to produce them both traditionally and commercially. With a focus on producing his own fermented products in an urban environment with little access to garden space he began Urban Fermentation to help others who want to get the benefits of fermentation in their lives. He provides a wide variety of content covering fermented drinks like kombucha and water kefir, milk kefir and yogurt, vinegar production and lacto-fermentation such as pickles, sauerkraut for those who have to rely on others for food production. With an insatiable hunger to know more about fermentation from all nations and cultures he also has learned to make natto, miso and soy sauce, with more to come as the body of knowledge about fermentation is constantly expanding and becoming more popular as time passes.

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